Sara srebnik
motivating Blogger
Welcome! I'm so glad you are here!

I have spend over 20 years in the classroom, teaching both fourth grade and STEM. When I'm not teaching, I'm a wife to my husband of almost 20 years and mom to two teenagers. With all of these hats I wear, I know the importance of setting goals and motivating people to reach them. I can't wait to help you reach yours 

If you wouldn't say it to someone else, don't say it to yourself! Be kind to yourself, you are worth it!

- Sara Srebnik
My Focus

This picture you see of me is the culmination of a long-term goal I had - to run and finish the Disney Princess Half Marathon! It was a long time coming, but I did it! You can reach your goals too and on this page, you will get tools and encouragement to do so. 
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